School attendance is mandated by statute and by laws and regulations of the State of California and the Governing Board of the Redlands Unified School District (Education Code 48260-48264).
Mission Elementary has the responsibility to enforce all attendance policies, which assure regular attendance and punctuality. In order for an absence to be cleared, a parent/guardian must send a note or call the office within 48 hours to inform the school of the student’s absence. According to the California Compulsory Attendance Law, an absence is excusable for the following reasons only:
- Illness (with medical note from doctor)
- Quarantine directed by a county or city health officer
- Having medical, dental, or vision services rendered (with medical note from doctor)
- Attending funeral services of a member of the pupil’s immediate family
- Student attendance in court
- When a student accumulates absences, whether excused or unexcused, under the district attendance procedure, the following interventions may occur:
Five (5) unexcused absences - Parent/Guardian receives written communication from the school.
Ten (10) or more absences - Parent/guardian receives additional written communication from the school. Other options may include but are not limited to:
A scheduled conference with the School Attendance Review Team (SART).
Referral to the district’s School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
Revoke of intra/inter district transfer.
Makeup work will be the responsibility of the student. We, as adults, need to realize that we are training our children and setting examples that can affect a child’s future punctuality habits which in turn affect performance in school and future jobs. It is important that children arrive at school on time every day.
Redlands Independent Study Education
A Short Term Redlands Independent Study (RISE) contract may be approved for students planning to miss between 3 to 14 consecutive days. Under the RISE program, students are permitted a maximum of 14 school days per academic year.
To receive credit for the absence and associated work, all RISE assignments must be completed within 10 days of the student’s return to school. The RISE contract is designed to support students during short-term absences and is not intended to replace regular school attendance.
Please contact the Attendance Office to complete the necessary RISE paperwork. All contracts require the principal’s approval.
Tardy Policy
A student is tardy if she/he arrives at school after the beginning bell rings.
Three (3) tardies exceeding thirty (30) minutes without a valid excuse will be counted as unexcused absence.
Parents must come into the office to sign their student out for medical, dental, or other types of appointments that require them to leave school early. Office personnel will ask for identification to verify that you are authorized to pick up the child and will call students up to the office for pick up. If possible, medical and dental appointments should be scheduled after school. Please remember, taking your student out of school early is disruptive to his/her education, as well as the rest of the class, and should be avoided, except in an emergency.
Please review your child’s Aeries Parent Portal emergency contacts. Any person listed on your child’s emergency contact list is authorized to check your child out of school. All individuals checking students out of school must be 18 years of age or older.
If there is a custody issue, please notify the school office immediately and provide a recent certified copy of court orders. If a court order is not on file, both parents are assumed to have equal rights.
School Clerk
Carmen Alvarez
The school clerk's duties include: visitor/guest support, attendance and tardies, new student enrollment, Parent Portal support, Redlands Independent Study Education (RISE), accident reports, intra/inter-district transfers, student records, and much more.
If you have any questions regarding any of the above information, please feel free to contact Mrs. Alvarez by the email below or at (909) 307-2480.